Tuesday, June 23, 2009

a new chapter of life begins (spoilers for kuon YIN PHASE only!)

ahh...the long awaited holiday has finally come to an's starting tmr this includes new syllabus,new books and so on.....and the worst pt is im goin to know my t5 results soon~!*heart pounding!!the course that im taking is getting harder ...and im starting to worry that will i be able to cope till the very end??most of the students here have dropped out from the course!!will i be the next one??even if im able to complete the whole many years will i take???and how old will i be after i graduate??*sigh......ok moving on...anyway!!!*drum rolling ~~~~I HAVE COMPLETED THE YIN PHASE!!!!YAY!!!haha...well i dun think thr's anything to be proud of considering that it's only part one of the game n i still have another 2 phases to go and the yin phase is actually quite easy to be defeated..and this is the first time that my character din die in a game!!!i managed to survive till the very end!!!this is because the boss is so easily to be defeated!!UGH~!no chi-kekness in the game....infact most of the bosses' movement in the game are actually just can just read his movement fact u can even predict wats next...LOL..the ending is abit sad and dissaponting (note:you can choose to skip this part if you dun wan any spoilers)i was hoping that utsuki would be united with her sis but instead she got infected with the disease and is dying..(this is the ending for the yin phase).even if she manage to live,she must emerge with one another..and who would that be??this is where another main character of the story pops out...and she's sakuya!!!did she manage to emerge with sakuya or she just die in the end?well..i have to continue playing the yang phase in order to know the story....haihs...i dun think i can anymore considering that my new college semester is starting soon which means i will be putting my ps2 aside and stop blogging for a while....
signing off.....bye